Foxes Afloat

More British Canals and Narrowboat Goodness

November 13, 2020

The Foxes themselves.

Okay. Okay! I promise not to do this too often. It's just that when I find something I like, I want to share it. Isn't that the whole point of blogs and social media? I realize I'm one of the few people in the States that is even aware that there is a canal system in the UK and while once it was used for commerce, it is now used for recreation. I understand that it probably isn't the most thrilling stuff out there. But... it is just so relaxing to watch! Boats going 3 MPH in rolling country side with nothing to worry about except the next lock and the next water point. So good!

What am I going on about? British Narrowboats! The Brits have a whole system of rivers, canals and locks that go all over the country. These used to be a significant way to move cargo, before the rail road system. Once the rail road came in, then the highway system, most of the canals fell into disuse and disrepair. But now, people are using the canals for leisure and recreation, some even move on to their narrow boats permanently. There are dozens of narrow boaters vlogging on YouTube

When I discovered narrow boaters, via Kevin Shelley, I talked about him here, I was blown away! My intention with this project is to eventually give up my day job and travel continually. When I conceived the idea, I thought I might eventually end up in an RV traveling around the US. Well, here was Kevin, who's about my age, doing exactly what I wanted to do, just on a narrowboat. He has a popular YouTube channel AND a series on Amazon Prime! It turns out, he's not alone. There are at least two other narrowboat YouTubers on Prime as well. One of them is Foxes Afloat.

Otis the puppy!

Otis! Puppy afloat!

The Foxes in question are a married couple named Colin and Shaun Dobson-Fox. A few years ago, these two gents, who are about my age, gave up their jobs, sold their house and built a narrowboat named Silver Fox... sound like a familiar plan I've spoken of previously? Once again they are doing exactly what I would like to do, so I find them fascinating. Plus, their new puppy, Otis, is super cute! (They lost their dog Dylan a while back, heartbreaking!)

Colin is Autistic and has some other mental health issues, so life on the canal has been really good for him. He was a radio presenter. I feel like his experience in the broadcast industry gives their vlogs a professional gloss that others might not have. He's a history nut and a general transportation geek, so there is always good history trivia. Shaun was a sailor in the British Navy. He is the quieter of the two, but very entertaining to watch. They are both funny and have a great chemistry.

I know it might be hard to believe that watching a couple of guys pilot a little boat through the English country side is entertaining, but give it a shot! I think you'll thank me. You can find them on YouTube and Prime.
