Rain, Rain, Go Away; You're Messing Up My Blog!
November 16, 2020
I like the rain. I've always liked the rain. It's cool and cloudy; my ideal weather. I lived in Seattle for nearly twenty years, when people complained it had been raining for two weeks in a row, I looked at them and said, “Isn't it great? Why do you live here?”
It's raining today. I love that. I love the sound and I love the smell. I woke up not to an alarm, but to the sound of rain on the roof and gentle thunder in the distance. Which, coincidently, is exactly the sound my alarm app uses. I wasn't kidding, I love this stuff.
Except for today.
My plan for today was to get out for a day trip, get enough material for a blog and a vlog. I could have still gone on the trip, but none of my equipment is weather proof, not worth wasting the gas. I knew moments like this would come, it was inevitable. The Midwest is known for terrible rain and snow and wind. But, it's still disappointing.
The real question becomes, what to do instead? I have all of this time and a self imposed (but flexible) schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday for my blogs and Tuesday and Thursday for my vlog. I need to produce!
Obviously, I chose to sit down and write a blog. It was the simplest choice. But, if I'm being honest, I'm writing this post more for me than for you, my reader. Writing a blog wasn't the only possible choice for today. There were several choices and I am using this time, this blog entry, to organize my thoughts and make some decisions.
The first possible choice was to do nothing. This is an awfully appealing choice. I had a normal, somewhat busy work week. I am tired and stressed, I've earned the rest. I also have a full larder due to an Aldi delivery Thursday. I have a Nintendo Switch, YouTube, Netflix, Disney+ and I just renewed my Prime membership. On top of it all, it's raining outside, which is the perfect accompaniment to relaxation. To be sure, I made myself a meal of leftovers, curled up on the couch and caught up on the latest episodes of The Mandalorian. I love that show. When I completed the most recent episode, I looked at my phone, it was only 11:30, plenty of time to get something done.
It's important I get things done. It would be too easy to just say “Nah. I'll do it later...” and then never do anything. That's how I get myself in trouble. That's how my projects fall apart and fall to the wayside. I'm excited about this project and one of the most exciting things for me is that I am still excited weeks after I started. Every time I see just how many vlogs and blogs I've posted, my excitement renews. I need to find ways to keep that going.
So, I'm writing this post. I bet I'll be done before 1:30. Then what?
I don't really have anything else to write. That's weird for me, I usually have something to write, but this post puts me ahead, if only by two days.
I could read something for a couple hours. There are several travelogues I've been meaning to crack open, for ideas and style. They say the two principal things a writer must do is write and read and I do not read nearly as much as I feel I should. I'm rather interested in reading The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain. I wonder if it still holds up. If I get through it, I'll post a review.
I could tinker around on the blog. There are a few pages that could use a little TLC. But, to be honest, I use those projects as a way to feel productive when I'm procrastinating. It's not very interesting at the moment.
I could start another project. Yes, this is also how I get into trouble. I am in the middle of a project and I decide to start another project. Typically I get overwhelmed and drop both projects. I have a project in mind, I have even bought tools and literal toys to use for that project. But, I've left it on the back burner long enough that I might be losing interest in it, without torpedoing my current project. We'll see how it goes.
Okay. I think I've talked myself into reading some Twain. Mostly I want to read the Twain book because I recently found out Dave Barry has written a couple travelogues! It's 1:19 and I'm off to read, wish me luck!