Pandemic Halloween Yards

Cute & Creepy without Covid or Candy!

October 21, 2020

I heard a rumor. Due to the pandemic, people are decorating their yards instead of preparing for Trick-or-Treaters. This is partially true, people do seem to be latching on to this fad more than ever, but, even when I was a child, a thousand years ago, people costumed their houses. Some even went a bit insane with their decorations. Well, it looks like Over-the-Top Halloween decoration is having a resurgence. Either way, a few friends and I headed out to South St. Louis City and South St. Louis County in search of some good fun. It was raining and cold, perfect St. Louis Halloween weather. We had a great time!

A blowup ghost in a hat saying Boo! A gaggle of blow up jack-o-lanterns. Two blow up jack-o-lanterns. Colorful blow up jack-o-lanterns. A frightened blowup ghost in a hat. A sparkly jack-o-lantern. A sparkly jack-o-lantern.

Little blow up characters were everywhere. They are super whimsical and cute. They don't always deliver a lot of creep factor, but they are a lot of goofy fun!

A small orange glowing skull. An evil glowing jack-o-lantern creature. Skelletons on the balcony.

Balcony Boo!

Scary old people in the window.

Grandpa?! Grandma?!

A blue dragon!

Winter is Coming!!!

A bloody skelleton in a grave.

I'm afraid the operation failed!

Skelletons carrying a coffin.

Some decorations were literally carried away!

Skelletons carrying a coffin.


However, the creepiness can be found! From Dark Dungeons to Blue Dragons; we found them in South City!

Creepy lion. Decorated house. Decorated house. Decorated house. Decorated house. Decorated house. Decorated house. Decorated house.

How did such lovely houses end up in a city full of silly pumpkins and scary skeletons?!

It was a lovely night out walking the wet and whacky, silly and spooky St. Louis streets!
