Disobeying Rule 11
April 12, 2021
A few days ago I published a new vlog, you can view it here.
The intention of the vlog was to talk about my second vaccine shot, a follow up on the vlog I put together about my first vaccine shot. I intended this second post to be shorter than the other (it was by about half). I intended to get it out just a few days after I got the shot (it took me nearly a week). More than once I considered not putting up the post, it didn't seem to hold any value. But, then I remembered that I had promised a follow up. I felt like I owed it to my subscribers, all eight of them. I was annoyed with myself and impatient and in general not happy with the whole process.
To be clear: the vlog post is garbage.
Yes, yes, we creators are harsh on our own work. All true. But, this post stands out as being far worse than the others. The worst part about it is, I know better.
I have been compiling a page on the lessons I have learned so far, I call that page The Process. I am adding more and more lessons to that page as I go, and the lessons will likely mature and expand. My best friend and frequent producer, Max, called that page “The first draft of a filmmaking manifesto for the ages. Or at least the aged.” - I'm pretty sure that's a compliment.
Rule 11 is far down on the list but I think it's going to become more important. “Take Another Take” - it's a simple rule. Video is cheap. It's practically free. Sure, there are moments you are lucky to get one shot of and there is no way you'll get another. But when all I'm doing it staring at the camera and talking, it's pretty easy to get the second take. It would be easy to get the fifth or tenth take. Instead, I record myself once and feel a sense of accomplishment for having gotten that part done. When I go to edit, there is just one take and if that take is crap, it's all I've got. Make lemonade with one rotten lemon.
I don't know if following Rule 11 would have saved this particular vlog post, but it couldn't have hurt. This rushed, thrown together post certainly follows Rule 1, and here we are learning from the mistakes made. But, I think from this point forward I need to sit down and review my list of rules before I do any project.