The Vaccination of Covidland

March 23, 2021

Vaccinations are proceeding apace.

I can't tell you how much those four words comfort me. How safe that sentence makes me feel. People are still getting sick. People are still dying, thousands every day. People are still doing stupid things and spreading the disease. There are variants that are more contagious and possibly more deadly

However! However … the daily counts are dropping and the amount of vaccine and the numbers of people getting vaccinated are rising.

Yow! Yes! Whoo-hoo!

My friends are all getting vaccinated. All my friends are getting their shots. I have a teacher friend that got her Johnson & Johnson shot from an army medic and looks like President Biden is fulfilling his promise to get teachers vaccinated. You may recall that I recently traveled a bit for my first shot. I go for my second shot next week, I'm again looking forward to that trip, but I'm not looking forward to the side effects. As everyone seems to be saying these days: the side effects are better than Covid.

With everyone getting vaccinated and being able to predict when people will be fully immune, I can start making some plans. I am putting projects on the books. I have friends lined up to do small trips and projects. There will be blogs and vlogs. I have ideas for portfolio pieces, ideas that were derailed months ago. Those are getting scheduled. Friends are excited to be a part of my goofy projects. That makes me happy. If it amuses my friends to be a part of making art, I'm hoping that will translate into fun to read blogs and fun to watch vlogs.

Now, don't expect anything ground breaking just yet. I'm still new and I don't have much budget. But these projects should prepare me for larger projects down the road. At the very least, I'll be following Rule 1.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. That light seems to be speeding up the tunnel to meet me. This is the most optimistic and happy I have felt in over a year.
