I Caught the Car, Now What?

June 6, 2024

A car rolls down the street. A dog sees the car and starts barking at it. The car rolls on and the dog decides to chase it.

What would the dog do with the car if the dog caught the car?

I've had a pretty productive couple of weeks. I've built this blog, making all my old content available again. I built the new blog over at Ancient and Angry. I put up a new video on the vlog.

Then, I kinda felt like I hit a wall. Or, maybe not a wall, more of a hill.

Usually by now my insecurities take over and I begin giving up. But, I haven't given up. I need to generate more content. I need to write this post and a post for A&A. I need to establish the A&A vlog and put up another vlog post for JotR.

Frankly, I doubted I'd get this far. I didn't think I'd get the blogs up and restart the videos.

I caught the car.

I feel like I'm just standing here, my hands empty wondering what I should do next. Should I even do anything? I'm not discouraged, I had no expectations, other than maybe failure. There's plenty I need to do. Maybe I'm having some executive dysfunction - too many options to choose from, causing me to hesitate and delay. The fact that I'm even writing this blog post is a little stunning to a certain loud part of my brain.

I've got a lot to do. I have no expectations of any kind of reward for doing any of it, other than maybe a sense of accomplishment. No money. No recognition. Very few know any of this even exists. This is just me, hoping for a brighter future. A future where I am a successful creative person.

I caught the car. Time to tear it up! Woof!
